15 Mar, 2025

How To Intergrate M-Pesa B2B With Your Website

How to intergrate m-pesa b2b with your website phpIn this tutorial Ill show you how to intergrate m-pesa b2b with your website in php1.Create a b2b file and paste in the following code:<?php /* access token */$consumerKey = ‘YgreYNuYW5xIVooFrZgIhQMvvBGr2Pe2’; # Fill with your app Consumer Key$consumerSecret = ‘699oGg0C1XdMoWOA’; # Fill with your app Secret$headers = […]

1 min read

How To Intergrate Website With Paypal Php

In this tutorial Ill show you how to intergrate paypal with website in phpPaypal is a safer way to send and receive money or make an online payment.To intergrate paypal with your website:1.Create a config file and paste in the following code: 2.Create a pay with paypal file and paste in the following code: 3.Create […]

1 min read