Web design
How To Create Login Signup In Php Mysqli
In your project folder create another folder and name it config In config folder create a file dbconnect.php and paste in the following code:
How To Intergrate M-Pesa Reverse Transaction With Your Website Php
In this tutorial Ill show you how to intergrate m-pesa reverse a transaction with your website in php1.Create a reverse transaction file and paste in the following code:<?php ?> 2.Create a callback file and paste in the below code:<?php $callbackResponse = file_get_contents(‘php://input’);$logFile = “reverse-transaction-callback-response.json”;$log = fopen($logFile, “a”);fwrite($log, $callbackResponse);fclose($log);
How To Intergrate M-Pesa Check Transaction Status With Your Website Php
In this tutorial Ill show you how to intergrate m-pesa check transaction status with your website in php1.Create a check transaction status file and paste in the following code:access_token;curl_close($curl); ?> 2.Create a callback file and paste in the below code:<?php $callbackResponse = file_get_contents(‘php://input’);$logFile = “transaction-status-response.json”;$log = fopen($logFile, “a”);fwrite($log, $callbackResponse);fclose($log);
How To Intergrate M-Pesa Check Balance With Your Website Php
In this tutorial Ill show you how to intergrate m-pesa check balance with your website in php1.Create a check balance file and paste in the following code:<?php/* access token */$consumerKey = ‘YgreYNuYW5xIVooFrZgIhQMvvBGr2Pe2’; //Fill with your app Consumer Key$consumerSecret = ‘699oGg0C1XdMoWOA’; // Fill with your app Secret $headers = [‘Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf8’];$access_token_url = ‘https://sandbox.safaricom.co.ke/oauth/v1/generate?grant_type=client_credentials’;$curl = curl_init($access_token_url);curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, […]
How To Intergrate M-Pesa B2C With Your Website In Php
In this tutorial Ill show you how to intergrate m-pesa b2c with your website in php1.Create a b2c file and paste in the following code:<?php /* Urls */$access_token_url = ‘https://sandbox.safaricom.co.ke/oauth/v1/generate?grant_type=client_credentials’;$b2c_url = ‘https://sandbox.safaricom.co.ke/mpesa/b2c/v1/paymentrequest’; /* Required Variables */$consumerKey = ‘YgreYNuYW5xIVooFrZgIhQMvvBGr2Pe2’; # Fill with your app Consumer Key$consumerSecret = ‘699oGg0C1XdMoWOA’; # Fill with your app Secret$headers = [‘Content-Type:application/json; […]
M-Pesa Test Credentials
Shortcode 1 601322Initiator Name (Shortcode 1) apitest361Security Credential (Shortcode 1) 361resetShortcode 2 600000Test MSISDN 254708374149ExpiryDate 2019-03-17T18:00:37+03:00Lipa Na Mpesa Online Shortcode: 174379Lipa Na Mpesa Online PassKey:bfb279f9aa9bdbcf158e97dd71a467cd2e0c893059b10f78e6b72ada1ed2c919
How To Intergrate M-Pesa B2B With Your Website
How to intergrate m-pesa b2b with your website phpIn this tutorial Ill show you how to intergrate m-pesa b2b with your website in php1.Create a b2b file and paste in the following code:<?php /* access token */$consumerKey = ‘YgreYNuYW5xIVooFrZgIhQMvvBGr2Pe2’; # Fill with your app Consumer Key$consumerSecret = ‘699oGg0C1XdMoWOA’; # Fill with your app Secret$headers = […]
How To Intergrate Website With Paypal Php
In this tutorial Ill show you how to intergrate paypal with website in phpPaypal is a safer way to send and receive money or make an online payment.To intergrate paypal with your website:1.Create a config file and paste in the following code: 2.Create a pay with paypal file and paste in the following code: 3.Create […]
How To Intergrate Lipa Na M-Pesa Stk Push With Your Website
In this tutorial Ill show you how to intergrate m-pesa stk push with your website in php1.Create stk initiate file and paste in the following code:<?php $consumerKey = CONSUMER_KEY; //Fill with your app Consumer Key$consumerSecret = CONSUMER_SECRET; // Fill with your app Secret # define the variales# provide the following details, this part is found […]